StarWheel neo-mandala painting detail SW 102 Arbor Mundi by Aya.

Meeting the StarWheels

Adapted from writing by Aya.  Used with permission.

The StarWheels can be “looked at”, but they prefer to interact with inner vision.  They are interpreters translating and transmitting higher dimensional energy fields.  The viewers are encouraged to shift perception, allowing the 2-D cross-sections to become full 3-D spheres pulsating with various depths of telepathic waves.

The StarWheels have a multi-dimensional presence that has touched down as a visual expression embodied in a mandala format using the languages of geometry, color, symbolism and wave frequencies.

The original vision of the StarWheel images came with additional translations:

The StarWheel Picto-Koan designs are intended to speak to our image-native higher mind, to re-activate the hiero-glyphic parts of our brain, and to stimulate holo-graphic pattern recognition for higher dimensional, telepathic communication.  Usually, the center PK hieroglyph is a mini-key representing and referencing the entire mandala.  The surrounding PK hieros are the support system (“tribe family”) enhancing or specifying other aspects and layers of the mandala image.

There are 9 X 9 X 12 = 972 SW Picto-Koans.

The StarWheel hiero-graphic language is designed to act as a bridge between the direct experience of the mandala image — flooding the sensory system beyond the categories of the mind.  The SW Hieros are an interface code — a frequency matrix translation — allowing an easier transition between the rational mind “making sense of the mandala” and the Infinite Spirit Self.

Enter the Picto-Koans as an exploration and a discovery journey, as you would go on a leisurely promenade in a magical garden — just gently following the promptings of your intuition and your curiosity.

The StarWheel Sutras do engage the mind, but not on a purely rational level.  The SW Sutras speak a language of metaphors, inner intuition, archetypal symbols.  They express the perennial spiritual wisdom from many traditions.  They launch many possible interpretations but let you pick your own.

StarWheel neo-mandala painting SW 075 Tetraktys Lake by visionary artist Aya.
Picto-Koan hieroglyphic translation PK 075 for StarWheel 075 by visionary artist Aya.

Note:  On this website we are emphasizng the visual. 

Therefore the Sutras are not included, except in this example:

StarWheel 075 — Tetraktys Lake

Tetraktys 10 is the fourth triangular number.
Pure harmonics upon the musical scale.
The monochord flowers: One, Two, Three, Four.
The wind blowing, ride the sound.
The sail is swollen by your own breath.
Enter the grids of dawn, with awe, for a maiden flight.
On cue, the sky opens up to reveal akashic destiny:
filigree arabesques weave a pillow for your soul.
Harmony is your own name.
The music of the spheres moves upon the lake of life.
You choreograph the trajectories of your inner stars:
each step is a song,
every thought a symphony.

• a name

• a keyword

• a hiero-glyphic matrix or SW Picto-Koan

• a description or SW Sutra