StarWheel neo-mandala painting detail SW 077 Alta Rama by Aya.

Sacred Geometry and the StarWheels

Adapted from writing by Aya.  Used with permission.

Sacred Geometry is the perennial sacred art-science dedicated to the study and applications of the Harmonic power of the Golden Ratio Phi, its creative expression in the Fibonacci Series, and the symbolic Shapes, Patterns & Numbers that constitute the language of nature and consciousness as a universal code of creation.

Sacred Geometry is an ancient-future cosmic wisdom we are fast reclaiming.  Under the new labels of Design Science, Fractal Harmonics, DNA resonance, Scale Invariance Physics (and others), we are walking again the higher turn of humanity’s spiritual spiral.

The study, understanding and applications of Sacred Geometry in nature and in consciousness offers a needed and substantial gift: to open our human awareness to perceive again a living, interconnected, intelligent and benevolent universe.

The multi-layered presence of Sacred Geometry can be seen in the StarWheel paintings particularly beginning with Series VI.

Sacred Geometry: the Cosmic Dance of Harmony

PHI — Image credit:  Encyclopedia of Sacred Geometry, by Aya